Blessing of the Animals
Taking place in the beginning of October, this annual service is well received by those far and wide. We have had ducks, goats, cows, dogs, cats, bird, etc. to be blessed. This service begins with a prayer for the earth, for all of Creator’s animals, and for pets present and pets which have passed on. A blessing is also given to each creature’s loving caregiver.
Episcopal Church Women
The Episcopal Church Women was established in 1871. This dedicated group of women meet monthly. On top of having fun, good time, they plan fundraisers throughout the year so they can make financial donations to various community, state, and global organizations that are trying to make a difference to the betterment of the world.
Book Study Group
Partnering with our neighbour, Lancaster Congregational United Church of Christ, we offer these book study group sessions to the general public. This fall we finished The Book of Joy: A Survival Guide for Trying Times, with Jane Goodall. This winter’s book is The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett. At the conclusion of The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World, we watched the documentary (with special permission from the producers) on our remote drop down screen.
Wraps for Laps
Quilters coming together to build lap quilts to pass on to those who need to feel God’s love and warmth. Each stitch is done with love.
Backpack Program
This program began during the summer of 2008 as a breakfast program for the summer school participants in Groveton. Realizing the need, it morphed into the St. Paul’s Back Pack Program in 2012 in which qualified elementary students in Groveton received a bag of food for the weekend. 2014 saw another adjustment, offering this ministry to surrounding elementary school children in the surrounding area. Currently, The North Country Back Pack Program serves over 200 students from 7 towns which consists of 5 schools within 2 school districts, reaching across into Vermont. The cost of this ministry varies as the number of participants fluctuates. This $45,500 ministry is supported by a variety of organizations, businesses, municipalities, and private individuals.
Grief Support Group
This revolving group is open to anyone and everyone as we try to navigate through grief, which no one escapes. The number of participants varies from 3 to 15. It is a time for people to come together, to share or to simply sit quietly. Recognizing that there is a different kind of grief for parents who have lost a child, we now offer two groups. The General Grief Support Group meets the 1st Tuesday of the month and the Parental Grief Support Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Some individuals attend both. Please consider attending one or both of these groups which begin at 6:00 Pm in the Parish House Office.
We recognize special occasions like All Soul’s night by lighting luminaries. We also have dinner and a service during the Christmas Season in which we honour the ones whom we love but see no more.